Your maintenance and security Wordpress team

Welcome to INCENTRAL WP, the online support,maintenance, security and performance service brought to you by Isla de Manacoa. We extend the care, not only for our developing clients, but also for any owner of a Wordpress site.

Manacoa is a web and application developer european enterprise founded in 1996 by Alexia Ruiz and Jesús Noriega

Passionate about technology, we love the infinite possibilities WordPress offers for the online presence. There is a wide variety of WordPress sites created both for us and our clients.

INCENTRAL WP was intended to keep safe and updated all the webs we created with WordPress, ours and those of our clients. And also to make the environment that hosts them, fully functional and running at its best performance.

Thats why we created INCENTRAL WP, o share with you this experience and take your site to the top.

INCENTRAL WP testimonials

More than our words, let our customers speak:

Want to know better how we can help to keep your site safe, updated and ongoing? Check the FAQ section.